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RISING SIGNS IN ASTROLOGY - What Your Rising Sign Represents in Your Chart | RISING SIGNS EXPLAINED

In the last couple of videos, I’ve talked about how your Sun sign is the strongest representation of who you are and your identity, while your Moon Sign is all about your emotional, inner self. So where does your Rising or Ascendent sign fit into the picture?

In today’s post, I’ll talk about what Rising signs are exactly and what they represent.

So, get yourself a cuppa, and let’s talk about Rising signs!


Hey everyone! Welcome back, or if you’re here for the first time, nice to meet you! My name is Ebonie and this blog (and the YouTube channel) is here to help you manifest in the real world! If you’re interested in all things self-development and mindset, I hope you’ll enjoy today’s blog post (and/or watch the video), and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel linked above!

Your Moon, Sun, and Rising signs are collectively referred to as the ‘big three’ in astrology – they are the main signs to learn about first on your chart. So, if your Sun sign is who you truly are at your core and your Moon sign is like your emotional compass, then your Rising sign is how you express yourself to the outside world – especially when you’re not comfortable being your true Sun sign self or willing to wear your emotional Moon sign on your sleeve at the time.


How do you know your Rising Sign?

In order to know what your Rising sign is, you will need your astrological birth chart, including your exact time and place of birth. If you haven’t done yours yet, I recommend using astro.com, and if you’d like more information, I have an Astrology resources blog and video you can check out here, or you’ll find it linked at the end of this page. Feel free to ask any questions that you have in the comments below too, I’d be happy to help!

Your Rising Sign can also be referred to as your Ascendant Sign, and on your Astrological Birth Chart, it is seen as AC or ASC next to the horizontal line through the middle of your chart. See the image below of my chart for an example!

RISING SIGN chart.png

It is the zodiac sign that was rising on the horizon at your time of birth. It can be shown as an arrow ↑ when represented as a symbol.

It’s important to know your exact time and place of birth in order to accurately calculate your Rising sign. Throughout a 24-hour period, every sign has its chance to rise, each spending around 2 hours on the horizon.

So, to use my chart (see image above) as an example, you can see that my Rising sign is Cancer. That means that when I was born, the sign of Cancer was on the horizon.

As my Sun sign is Gemini, the day I was born began with Gemini rising on the horizon. By the time I was actually born though, at 10.17 am, the sign of Cancer was on the horizon, meaning that Cancer is my Rising sign. If I’d been born just a little later, my Rising sign could have been Leo!


What does your Rising Sign represent?

Now you know what your Rising sign is, what does it mean? How does it impact you, your personality, and your relationships with others?

Our Rising sign represents how we are perceived by the outside world. It’s often referred to as being the “mask” that we put on, the first impression we give to people we’ve just met, how we act in an interview setting, or perhaps a first date.

Your rising sign shines in situations where we aren’t comfortable showing our true self – our Sun sign, or our emotional side – our Moon sign.

You may have seen a friend or family member’s Rising sign in full display when they act differently in front of people they’ve just met. For instance, you’re wondering why they’re suddenly so shy when with you they’re totally confident. You’ve likely noticed this shift happen within yourself too, especially if you’re in a new social situation. I definitely find that I embody more of my Rising sign’s traits the more nervous I feel!

Our Rising sign is how we navigate the world, and therefore, how the world perceives us.

Our Rising sign is how we express ourselves outwardly, too – it can influence everything from the clothes we wear to the books we read. It’s our most obvious personality traits that we present to others, especially those we’ve just met.

I feel as though our Rising sign is our comfort zone in a way. It’s where we feel most at home in terms of sharing our personality before we feel comfortable enough to let our guard down and allow ourselves to be more like our Sun sign, or our Moon sign.

As you learn more about your Rising sign, you might discover the reason you act a certain way in social situations. Once you know your Rising sign, you can understand yourself on another level – and learn how to use this outward persona to your advantage.

In a later post, I’ll talk about how your rising sign is always in your 1st house – the house of self and identity. The other planets in your 1st house will therefore impact how you present yourself to the world too. Needless to say, there’s so much more I could talk about – like with everything astrology-related, one thing leads to another!



So, now I’d love to know – what’s your Rising sign? Do you feel like it’s accurate for you?

I hope you enjoyed this short overview of what Rising signs represent! If you’d like to learn more, you’ll find everything I mentioned linked below, along with more info, resources, and recommendations — simply scroll to the bottom of this page!

As always, please let me know in the comments, if you have any questions or requests, or find me over on Instagram @eboniehyland, I’d love to see you there too!

I truly hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s blog post and video. Thank you so much for reading this blog and supporting my YouTube channel, it really means the absolute world to me!

I create spiritual and self-development videos and blog posts here, every Thursday. So, if you’re curious, please consider subscribing to the channel, and be sure to ring the little bell to turn on notifications, so you never miss a video!

I hope you’re having a wonderful day, wherever you are in the world, and I can’t wait to see you here again next week!

So much love,

Ebonie xx

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